Where to start?? Too much to say.
Well, first off, I am officially a uni student. I have had the freakout for an assignment (alright I'll be honest...it was two) and had 48 hours straight with practically no sleep (less than 2 hours). Assignments were finished...thanks in at least some part to helperrrrs. =) (You know who you are and what I'm saying) =P
Personal Memo -> don't take help from people who aren't *quite* sober. The answers just don't fit.
And then went out to celebrate.
That is why it was a full 48 hours...more actually cos I got up at 3am thursday morning and got home after 3am Saturday morning...it was interesting. To be totally honest I practically passed out after one *small* drink because I was exhuasted!
Dad came back on the 3rd of April because it was his mum's 60th on the 7th and we had a family dinner to celebrate on the 5th...the saturday after 48 hours no sleep...and after that on Saturday i only got about 3 1/2 hours anyway, so I was a mess. =) Thank God for makeup.
It was a lovely time on Saturday night! Happy Birthday Nanna!
Then on Monday I went to Brisbane to catch up with Sharon. We had a ball!! I love you Shaz. =) Very special times...blur, anger, memories were all had in moderation but we're saving the big lot for ANZAC weekend right dear??! *wink*
Tuesday -> Dad came up from Blackbutt, and spent a week with me. That was fun...we got almost all of mum's (very loong) list done.
I'd never had a shot in my life (as in needle in arm...) and so when i went for my hep b I almost freaked out...was laid on the bed and given jelly babies to calm me down. No really I do not lie!!
It hurrt.
Then on the weekend we were in Brisbane for my First Aid course...I passed it, and hear I'm in strife for not getting 40/40 *shudder* do your darndest! =)
And now I'm back.
Uni's started again, after the one week mid sem break. Horrible. =) But I will survive..come on!
So that is to today...in short form...
More later. =)
oh yes!
That's right! I was in a break for first aid and I got a message, reading the following:
Aagh! Grace I'm making French toast and I can't remember if you have to put anything in with the eggs! Help me!
I laughed and told my darling sister (who if you're reading this, i love you!) what to do. and that I was in a course, and she wrote back saying:
Thankyou so much! I love you heaps and I'm sorry I completely forgot about your class and couldn't imagine that you had anything better to do than to tell me how to make French toast! Sorry!
I love you my dear, and hearing from you just about made my day. =)